Frankly spoken there is no reason to establish any Fan-Club. Nevertheless, we were not able to watch the misery of the boys of SMIRNOFF any longer. Therefore we took the step at "Hafenfest in Wedel" (2004-06-06) and founded SmirnoFFFans.

Now, all who are interested in (or will become interested) will be able to get information about events, publications, but also about interesting details from the lifes of our idols.

. . . and you will get some discount on CDs and tickets!

President: not elected Our third Vice-President (elder foto) Pic by Dorit
1. Vice-President: not electedt
2. Vice-President: not elected
3. Vice-President: Michael Koehn
Eternal honorary president: Werner Kleybor (deceased)
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		for members only




+49 179 / 68 77 880
+49 4103 / 188 25 80

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Aaaah, 1ste Sahne, diese Jungs von Smirnoff - 
Smirnofffans, die Seite für die Fans der Wedeler Gruppe SMIRNOFF.
Smrinoff heist: Hardrock, Rock'n'Roll, gute Musik = good music,
eigene Kompositionen und coverversionen bekannten songs,
Konzerte, Live-acts, CD und MP3, Stimmung und gute Laune